Tuesday, March 23, 2010

calm days

I left my bedroom window open last night. It's not something that I can usually do because my room opens out immediately onto street level with only hedges blocking people from seeing inside. I thoroughly enjoyed the night air, sounds of birds waking me up this morning. I can't believe I've missed out on it for so long. Stupid modern living. We were not meant to be enclosed in these sorts of shelters! Even clothes are an impedance when you're trying to cool down (though very much welcome at other times).

So I have had a very nice sleep and woken up refreshed, with the only the faint memory of a dream.

Yesterday I played very slow go. It was nice reading out the steps more completely. The time scheme is still difficult - not unlimited - but the people that I was playing against are all really fast players anyway. I anticipated this and made the games unranked, so I could resign when needed.

A side effect of this is that I also scored a phenomenal 1504g in Big Brain Academy. New Record!!! He gave me the new rank (although I was still spinning over 'Leonardo Da Vinci') of 'Film Director' O.O How does he know?!? I'm merely leaning towards my artistic side, I think it is bringing out good things :)

I tried watching Matrix Reloaded yesterday. I had some stuff to do so I could only get the preludes of the story. I'm convinced now that Agent Smith is actually the hero. When you watch it again you should think about it.

Now I'm going back to dad's house for the first time in ages. I have to bring all my clothes there. The most exciting part of it is that I'm going to a concert with Dad, Stef and likely one other on Thursday. More updates to come!

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