Thursday, March 4, 2010


I've begun to recover from this dastardly virus. Yep, I was happy with the string of awesome dreams, although it's hard to call all of them dreams. Sometimes I felt like I was simply letting my mind roam while still awake during that first night when the cold was the worst. Last night/this morning I had a dream where I had to give my friend guns (he was bigger) so that he could crowd control the HSC students taking exams. It was a market city, sandstone and stairs everywhere.

At least I now have part of my mind back. It's like a constant interruption into your thinking ability when the virus was in place. Thankfully I had Faerie Lord by Herbie Brennan lying around. It's a bit of a children's book but at least it's structured in such a way that it's always entertaining. Only because of that I was able to get about 2 hours of peaceful reading without the constant sneezing and feeling like my head is about to meltdown and kill everything in a 5km radius (a small blast. It's not that radioactive). I was so confused when Henry gets teleported, but it sort of makes sense in the scheme of things. There's some heeby jeeby fate/destiny bs undertone throughout the novel, but the characters seem to know that and figure, 'why not?'

Aside from that the only thing I was capable of doing yesterday was drawing Tyranids on my wacom tablet. They are sexy beasts. Of course this did not come without an understanding of what Tyranids can do on the tabletop gameplay. I am confident I could create a very useful army of them. It's just really difficult to know what's good now that the rules for shooting have changed so drastically. It's impossible to hide tyrants and such so the big monsters are really not worth the ridiculous points cost. I would prefer to have an army of warriors. Of course they're only really useful in close combat and to get them there you need backup of Genestealers and termagants. Tyranids lack long range weaponry. Their best bet is Zoanthropes with warp blast, but that's only 18" range and somewhat easy to avoid if you're fighting a tank with heavy weaponry (although troop transports are dead against it). I don't know how to use them and actually I think I prefer Eldar a lot more if only they had cheaper squad units.

Anyway I'm glad to be coming out of this sickness. I will be happy when it's all gone and I can take my dog for a walk again. My body was so weak yesterday. Scary how suddenly it comes on.

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