Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today I thought of another sci-fi idea. Now let me remember what it was (I know this whole remembering business is just going to get worse as I get older) :P. Sorry, can't recall. I'm sure it'll come back in some moment of inspiration. Today is not one of those days.

I called my Dad to go play soccer with him and his buddies tonight, but he canceled because of work. It's one of those dreary days when nothing seems to go right. Well I did get to play a 2k in go today. Being officially a 6k, I was given 4 handicap stones. The first game was full of failure, the second game I won by a lot, 22.5 points (0.5 komi). Silly server! Give me a better rank Nowwww...

My mind has been reduced today to a babbling mess. There's really very little going on behind the scenes, just a few neurons firing. On the surface though it can be very concentrated. Sorry, I can be very concentrated. I scored a C+ on big brain academy today on my NDS, I have the brain of a Musician :) It's a giant leap up from Museum curator. Still my scores in the "Think" category are very low. The squiggly professor is right, I do need to relax more.

My language is so redundant, I wish I were able to speak and write the way that someone says their words, like ordinary speech. I truly believe it to be the basis of good storytelling, like JRRTolkien used to read his books to his children, and CSLewis would read his extracts to peers from Oxford university even when they were meant for children.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Light Reading

Graaaahrghhhhhh! The go server is down. This in and of itself is no biggie, just that I was immersed in an exciting game with a different kind of player. He first let me take opposing corners and then didn't play in the fourth. Who writes a 'character of death' bug anyway? hackers just want to see things break... I guess I can understand that better than most, but why the go server!? *cries*

I went to the library today to get started reading Sophie Kinsella's "Confessions of a Shopaholic" (and whoa my fingers are unco trying to type today). I'm sure it's a better book than a movie. First of all it's set in England. You can get into her headspace very easily, however it's difficult to imagine that the character doesn't have a separate entity telling her it's really stupid to rationalize your way out of things when you only have yourself (and banks) to answer to.

Well atleast I've gotten a dose of a light novel. I needed it in between breaths of Angel's Game - the new Carlos Ruiz Zafon book. I loved Shadow of the Wind and all signs point to another fav. It's hard to imagine that a character would develop so steadily when most of the time Martin is alone, writing by himself (I need to try that more often btw). I think that's what the book is about. He's been raised by Videl to write, like he's a programmable thing. Of course if he's conversing with Angels then he's probably already hardcore christian.

I also picked up a cd of Mozart's Requiem. I really was looking forward to listening to some Mozart, because a lot of classical music is very difficult to understand or way too simple (read: forcing emotions down your throat). Unfortunately it was an opera... that's probably written on the case.. And I don't care for operas. Too much focus on the voice. Also I wanted the whole 'mozart effect' am I too old for that?

Monday, January 25, 2010

this very stupid topic.

A less common Sci-Fi motive, which I have only read about in certain Azimov and Arthur C. Clarke books, is that of the human race dying. I have been listening to Ayreon 01011001 and it is a common theme. There are intermediate reprises, where the humans seem to discover new aliens to evolve to their own level or create a new empire etc. But I wonder whether when the time comes (suppose we never discover more advanced space flight and it actually becomes impossible to preserve a human in cryogenic sleep or we have to rely on beginning to replicate cells once a stable planet is reached or we live through generations on the way to a new planet or create our own capable of sustaining life around the red-giant sun... okay so there are a bunch of solutions) will humans be individually advanced enough to accept their fate and to give way to new life. Even then the question remains: with or without our help?

this very stupid topic. ignores


When I was a teenager, for a long time I was depressed. The aftereffects are becoming more and more apparent. I heard once that some men dream only in black and white. I don't believe it for a moment, color is one of the main aspects every time I shut my eyes. It's so easy to think about real life that same way: what is the color scheme? What hidden emotions color your life? I'm starting to think that I only see real life in monochrome.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Slowness

Still reading "A Fire on the Deep" Vernor Vinge. It even made me on the brink of tears (which is as far as I ever get) when


Tyrathect gets taken over by the Flenser fragment. It was so sudden. The elements that make up Tyrathect consist of 3 intelligent Tines fighting for control against 2 of Flenser, the old tyrant that split himself and controls the politics indirectly. Since the invention of radio the pack members have been able to drift away from each other without losing thought speed. Occasionally one has to disconnect for maintenance. This time Tyrathect realizes that it is his last chance to make a difference before the Flenser fragment takes complete control (the radio made her stronger). A glimmer of hope and then his grim determination turns into weakness, the more dormant of the 2 Flenser exploits the weakness and mentally incapacitates Tyrathect. So sad, when you consider he was possibly Jeffry's only hope from within Steel's system.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Terran II

Since I thought of it yesterday I am so excited to get "Terran" tattooed somewhere on my body. A lot of consideration will have to go into this before I'm ready to have it done. I will probably use the same typeface that they use in StarCraft.

Ooooooooooohh It's SOOO EPIC and fitting! It means to be unified as a race, explorers and conquerors. It's BOLD and it marks me out as a strategist.

Actually it's made me think about Warhammer 40k. I used to play Eldar, which I don't have the hype for. Tyranids, sure, they have the best story, I would love them if they were anything close to playable. Chaos, now there is where my heart lies in that series. Unfortunately it is a significant time drain to try to remember all the rules.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I have been reading this great space opera by Vernor Vinge: 'A fire upon the deep'
and it has made me think a lot. I can't read this book at any good pace, it is quite complex. There are a few things, without going into too much detail, that stand out in memory.

The pack animals, the Tines are incredible creatures that offer a spring of complexity and analysis in contrast to the human race. In particular there is a death scene involving Scriber Jaquaramaphan. Johanna looks down on his inventions (a personality trait or inherent in humanity) because they disobey the laws of physics, unknown to Scriber. Instead of helping him perfect them she revels in the obscenity and laughs at them. He misunderstands and thinks that she approves, but then she throws the book on the fire. I know that we often can throw people by the wayside for silly ideas but what happens next is interesting to the storytelling aspect of the book (sci-fi's often miss). Scriber dies. All of his members except Ja are instantly killed. Ja crawls back to Woodcarver with a broken spine. It's very sad. Johanna was prepared to seek his forgiveness, although the thought processes involved in this were self-oriented. She doesn't seem to care about Scriber. Well I personally did care about him, and when the Johanna / Woodcarver side of the story seems so episodic (read: throwaway).... hell I dunno what to say about it. It's a feeling thing.

I do sometimes wonder why the human race often seems so lonely in space operas. We always appear to have enemies and don't collaborate to become something better. Would an alien be worth as much, do they all evolve the same machine logic overlayed with emotion? Or are there completely different systems of looking at things - far more foreign than cultural differences between nations? They could even have ESP or even something more quantifiable that we haven't been shown. It's all about being human.

home again

You know that visualization stuff really works. The lack of callouses on my left fingers vs my newfound proficiency in the violin is living proof. Without much practice I felt mightily competent as I was playing with my Aunt in Toukley this Tues and Wed 12-13/1. I was even able to read the music much better (I think partly because I did not need to concentrate on my hands).

I love these little trips, I did have to explain some silly religious standpoint to my aunt who is some form of christian. I don't think she cares and neither do I. But the highlight must have been going to the beach. The waves were pretty terrible, I thought it was a little funny the people who stood out there waiting for a wave. It must be their form of zen meditation, because no good wave was forthcoming. I still recognized what the waves were doing, they came in two or three at a time and closer to the beach where the small ones were breaking was the best place to be. Just as they broke the bigger wave behind it would catch up and gave me a little burst ride. I also found the spot where the waves converged and made a whole lot of turbulence.

Anyway, I'm back to reality - the long holidays and my book ideas. I have had some fantastic dreams recently, many elements are thanks to Spore. That game is absolutely visionary.

I'm waiting to catch up with Stef's parents, who are visiting from Germany. I think I may need a crash course in sign language. I think we could start off the night that I see them by playing charades so I can get a feel for it.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Write in aftermath

Do you think there could be a genre called 'simple'? I was trying to list a bunch of different genres and they all implied a restriction on the story, sci-fi being the loosest of the main types. None of them are things that I particularly want to write. Do I start by saying, here is my romantic hero, here is my detective, here is my alien or time traveler and work from there? Is there not enough fleshy story in the realm of normal and/or simple? Sometimes I feel like no one else shares my love of small things.

Today may have been pretty useless as far as my development as a writer is concerned. I tried starting a piece of fanfic of DTB. I love that series, at first I thought it was very free but soon realized that there are gigantic character constraints. The Syndicate member is often the emotionless human connection to the truly emotionless contractors and he always has jobs for Li. Rin is a doll and Misaki is mediated by her duty as a policewoman and love of Li. The conflict of those two rarely shows through, she immediately neglects her duty as soon as he's near but she doesn't think about the two as contradictory. She actively seeks him out as part of her job and because she experiences that familiar sense of loneliness.

The nuance is what I'm aiming for.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Suzumiya Haruhi

I'm still digesting this series. A lot of the themes have already been covered in Evangelion, which I am overly familiar with. Haruhi has the ability to change the universe at (subconscious) will, a little like Shinji except that the story is about her personality rather than how fucked up Shinji is mentally.

So that's not what tends to stand out for me. The story is wonderful, an example of creative freedom well told. In fact it looks effortless like a real life.

On second thought, this lesson is better left unsaid.

Sunday, January 3, 2010


I've been so caught up in playing spore recently. I spend hours on it and don't even check the time. Today I completed the ultimate mission: to make it to the center of the galaxy. It's really difficult to get past all the enemy space ships and the closer you get the smaller your travel distance becomes.

The ending SPOILER: was very 2001 a space odyssey with a touch of Hitch Hiker's guide with a supreme being talking to you through a little speaker, who gives you the staff of life, 42 of them that instantly terraform a planet into t3 (fully supported life).

I also started a new game, where I actually knew my objectives. Unfortunately, not having played through the earlier stages I had no special abilities and spent all my time flying around taking all the good solar systems (with rare spice planets) for myself, then trying not to anger people too much. I don't have anything except interstellar drive 3 and a decent lump of money. Trying to protect everything will be difficult until interstellar drive 5.

Crap I did nothing with my day... at least this will help me get over Spore for a while. I will start playing go again.

Friday, January 1, 2010

You are not alone

Are we going to spend our whole lives asking the same questions over and over again? Sometimes I admire those army freaks. Then I remember they're INSANE, still...

I spent my entirety of yesterday playing Spore and just realized the time in time for Sex in the City. I love that show, I wish I had gotten into it earlier. I swear anyone watching it will be a lot more mature.