Thursday, January 28, 2010


Today I thought of another sci-fi idea. Now let me remember what it was (I know this whole remembering business is just going to get worse as I get older) :P. Sorry, can't recall. I'm sure it'll come back in some moment of inspiration. Today is not one of those days.

I called my Dad to go play soccer with him and his buddies tonight, but he canceled because of work. It's one of those dreary days when nothing seems to go right. Well I did get to play a 2k in go today. Being officially a 6k, I was given 4 handicap stones. The first game was full of failure, the second game I won by a lot, 22.5 points (0.5 komi). Silly server! Give me a better rank Nowwww...

My mind has been reduced today to a babbling mess. There's really very little going on behind the scenes, just a few neurons firing. On the surface though it can be very concentrated. Sorry, I can be very concentrated. I scored a C+ on big brain academy today on my NDS, I have the brain of a Musician :) It's a giant leap up from Museum curator. Still my scores in the "Think" category are very low. The squiggly professor is right, I do need to relax more.

My language is so redundant, I wish I were able to speak and write the way that someone says their words, like ordinary speech. I truly believe it to be the basis of good storytelling, like JRRTolkien used to read his books to his children, and CSLewis would read his extracts to peers from Oxford university even when they were meant for children.

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