Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Light Reading

Graaaahrghhhhhh! The go server is down. This in and of itself is no biggie, just that I was immersed in an exciting game with a different kind of player. He first let me take opposing corners and then didn't play in the fourth. Who writes a 'character of death' bug anyway? hackers just want to see things break... I guess I can understand that better than most, but why the go server!? *cries*

I went to the library today to get started reading Sophie Kinsella's "Confessions of a Shopaholic" (and whoa my fingers are unco trying to type today). I'm sure it's a better book than a movie. First of all it's set in England. You can get into her headspace very easily, however it's difficult to imagine that the character doesn't have a separate entity telling her it's really stupid to rationalize your way out of things when you only have yourself (and banks) to answer to.

Well atleast I've gotten a dose of a light novel. I needed it in between breaths of Angel's Game - the new Carlos Ruiz Zafon book. I loved Shadow of the Wind and all signs point to another fav. It's hard to imagine that a character would develop so steadily when most of the time Martin is alone, writing by himself (I need to try that more often btw). I think that's what the book is about. He's been raised by Videl to write, like he's a programmable thing. Of course if he's conversing with Angels then he's probably already hardcore christian.

I also picked up a cd of Mozart's Requiem. I really was looking forward to listening to some Mozart, because a lot of classical music is very difficult to understand or way too simple (read: forcing emotions down your throat). Unfortunately it was an opera... that's probably written on the case.. And I don't care for operas. Too much focus on the voice. Also I wanted the whole 'mozart effect' am I too old for that?

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