Tuesday, February 23, 2010

O-Week @ UNSW

It has really been 11 days since my last post :o

Well in the meantime I've discovered how to use a mute on my violin. It is SOGREAT to be able to jam away with all the crazy chords that I would be scared for anyone else to hear. I went to Uni today, it's O-Week. There was a guy trying to organize a string ensemble and people of every level to come and do tutorials with teachers. I talked to him a little and signed up to receive updates via email. I really would like to get a proper teacher sometime, or at least make my trips to see Amanda more regular.

The Unibuds stall appears to be functioning seamlessly. I hope it does well this year and we get lots of new adventurous members. There's a girl that I like... she graduated last year so I don't know what she's still doing here. Unibuds creates a sort of community like that, as long as you can remember everyone's names. That's my biggest problem and it is really embarrassing. I'm such an idiot, the perfect opportunity arose today to ask her out, we were passing by in the really big square and I just smiled, said hi and did my normal near-script like routine. I hate being so socially stupid.

I got really caught up today playing go at the UNSW go club stall. I played a 1 dan and lost by only 5 points fuck yeah! (11.5 points with komi). It was an even game so I'm minus 2... 2 KYU!!! Pretty incredible stuff :D Owen is our new president. I'm happy for him. It's probably one of the best clubs in that respect, very little organization required, maximum return. I suggested we have a drunk go tournament (lots of people play go drunk online).

Well most of today was spent STARVING! I wish I could have gotten lunch earlier, but I got swept up in things and now I feel all out of synch. Even with my usual speedy skills on the computer and reading I wasted over an hour looking at potential subject choices. I'm considering doing a combined major of mathematics and statistics in the science program (I'm dropping from Advanced science/arts, like I knew I would) but it requires me to attend university during first session as well as second and I don't like that idea one bit. It would look killer on my CV but not worth the effort. I would prefer to do a full semester's work next session, and I would get to study Dynamical Systems and Chaos with Peter Brown XD!!! My final choice of subject is a little more difficult, it has to be a higher level maths subject but that's hard because I only have a few options open to me, and even fewer are appealing. I can't take first level courses, I've already reached my maximum of 60 credits and they are prerequisites for any other second level science subjects that I might want to do. I can choose 2nd level computer science but I've had some bad experiences with them. Sooooooooooooo I may choose Finite Mathematics, it's only 3 credits and it's also taught by Peter Brown. Or I can do Fluids Oceans and Climates, or Optimization. I'm currently leaning toward Optimization, because it is a very VERY important subject area (why didn't I realize before! (kind of moments))!

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