Sunday, December 13, 2009

I beat a 4k today in the game of go / wei-chi / baduk. It was a 4 handicap game, which is right for my nominal 8k. In fact I was more than victorious, I was able to control over 3/5ths of the board by the time he resigned. It's hard to challenge the higher kyu players, they all want to keep their rank and so don't bother playing anyone lower than themselves. It's a failing of the KGS servers.

I would love today to start writing but my creative energies have been depleted of late. Terry Pratchett's Wyrd Sisters is lying on my bed and I can't read it at a normal speed. Something is definitely wrong. I'm sure this weather is a part of it. I keep feeling really sleepy around 5pm.

Since it hasn't been mentioned before here I will take this opportunity to explain. I'm myopic. This means that I can barely see in the sunlight. Combine that with pale skin and I'm virtually a vampire :D

/end tangent

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