Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Sick Day

I woke up today with a tummy ache, weird o_O. That's never happened before, but I am a little sick recently. I've learned to cope with sickness though as if it's a state of being.

So I stayed inside all day and am reading. I finished Gabriel Garcia Marquez - Memories of my Melancholy Whores and am now continuing Laurell K Hamilton's Seduced by Moonlight. I will deny my temptation to write a review today, Memories seems like a book that I will only appreciate the second time I read it (years from now). At least I was able to convey to one of the librarians at Campsie Library the greatness of Marquez. She's reserved the book the day I borrowed it. I need to return it soon!

Damn this slow torrent! I want to finish dling DMC Live Action so I can watch it with my friends in a movie night. Lun already has another movie in mind and we're going to watch that at his place when we can. Unfortunately Kat's in Melbourne and Zoja will be taking a summer internship at the Snowy Hydro. Zoja can train it back to Sydney on weekends so the best time will probably be whenever Kat gets back!
I should feel useless at this point, being the jobless bum that I am. But I don't. I just finished NaNo and have a myriad of things to do.

That reminds me, results are out for last term and I passed all my subjects! That's a comforting sign (esp. considering how much I procrastinated last term).

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